“In 1951, several nature writers were captivating readers with books that would endure for generations. Rachel Carson opened our eyes to the oceans’ wonders. Thor Heyerdahl thrilled us with his tale of South Seas bravery aboard a log raft. And Gilbert Klingel, a lesser known but no less knowledgeable author, took us where no one …
Sea History Magazine
The Spring issue of “Sea History Magazine” contains a full 2 page article written for youth about Gilbert Klingel and his encounter with an octopus while diving off the shores of the island of Great Inagua in 1938, and more on Klingel’s diving and the Basilisk, his replica of Joshua Slocum’s famous Spray. Articles are …
Boating Safety Classes Planned – 2021
The Mathews Maritime Foundation is preparing Boating Safety classes for youth 10 to 18 years old, boys and girls, to prepare them for water activities and to obtain their Boat Virginia Operator license. The classes will be limited to 10 or less and can include parents. Classes will be held at the MMF Museum, Saturday …
Freya Today – Volunteers Wanted
Freya, a 30’ full keel sloop, was the first boat built by Gilbert Klingel in 1953 at his boatyard on Gwynn’s Island, VA. After a return trip from Florida in 2017, she now resides as an educational vessel at the Mathews Maritime Foundation Gwynn’s Island Boat Shop. Freya is currently in line for some structural …
Klingel Film Wins Platinum Remi

WOW! The documentary “Gilbert Klingel: Man of Steel” is still winning awards. This year it went out west to Texas, to the Houston International Worldfest Film Festival and was awarded the Platinum Remi Award for Documentary Film Subjects. The international festival had over 4,600 entries, from 76 countries, and the Platinum Remi is the top award, the highest “Remi” for its category, coming in above bronze, silver, and gold! An amazing accomplishment. Congratulations to Producer Dave Miller of Miller Productions of Virginia, as well as all who gave much appreciated support.
“Gilbert Klingel documentary wins film festival award”
This article was published in the Gloucester Mathews Gazette-Journal on May 7, 2020.

*Please note that the web address for the Mathews Maritime Foundation is www.mathewsmaritime.com
DVD – The Legacy of Gilbert Klingel: Man of Steel
Wanting to order your very own copy of this award-winning documentary on the life and work of Gilbert Klingel? The Mathews Maritime Foundation has them. Order online, shipped right to you, support a great cause! http://www.mathewsmaritime.com/giftshop.html
Richmond International Film Festival – April 25
The Richmond International Film Festival, a film and music festival, is coming up soon. We are so happy to have been selected to screen our Klingel documentary at this big Richmond event. Awards for this festival will be announced at the end of the festival week, and you won’t want to miss it! So, the …
Klingel Film Events, Updated 4/1/19
New events added! SCREENINGS AND EVENTS 2019: • February 10, 3 p.m. – Byrd Theatre, Richmond. RVA Environmental Film Festival Grand Prize Screening of “The Legacy of Gilbert Klingel: Man of Steel” • February 28, 7 p.m. – Gloucester Arts on Main film event: Klingel film screening • March 9 [ Rescheduled to Aug. 10, …
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March sailing on Milford Haven. And THANK YOU Jim Warwick!