You are invited to participate in great adventures on the water and on shore!

ELIGIBILITY: male or female; Ages 13 (finished 8th grade) UP to Age 21

The Sea Scouts Program is designed to provide character building opportunities.

The Scouts themselves nominate who will be their Boatswains, whose responsibility will be to manage all meetings and boat assignments. He or she will have the help of Boatswain’s Mates to cover admin and program activities, a Yeoman to record their activities, and many more designees to manage all the functions of the crew. Working together as a team is the prime ingredient of a successful SHIP. All SHIP crew will be taught traditional nautical skills, knot tying, navigation, boating safety, and crewmanship.

Mathews Maritime Foundation, a Mathews County nonprofit, has provided two vessels as facilities for Scout activities, the S/V Freya and the M/V Peggy.  Our plan is to have monthly outings on a boat, in good weather, of course, and lots of fun at monthly meetings and training sessions. We have the support of Flotilla 66, our local Coast Guard Auxiliary to teach seaman skills and more. The Foundation also has many experienced mariners.

The adult staff helps to facilitate the SHIP to function by guidelines of the Boy Scouts of America (BSA).  There are always two adult members one male and one female for all activities involving both sexes.

Currently, we have several adults to complete this requirement.  We hope that parents become an integral part of the “Ship” as there are many activities that their participation would be helpful.

If you or your child is interested, check out for more information.

For application or info, please contact:

Ship Committee ChairShip Committee Member
Pete Hall

Ship Committee Member
Page Herbert

Skipper of Program
John Bonner



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